On 13th and 27th of September (Mondays) at 1300 in Forest Educational Centre of Sekocin Las (as a part of Centre of Excelence "PROFOREST") a seminars took place.
On September 13, M.Sc. Daniel Nagy who represented Fire Ecology Research Group from Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (c/o Freiburg University in Germany) and Fire Global Monitoring Centre, present a paper about:
"Wildland Fire Simulation by the help of Farsite"
On September 27, two reports by one German and one Russian researcher were presented:
1. Dr Peter Lex, Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wälder and Deutscher Forstverein, Germany:
- "German forest administration experiences after large forest fires in 1975".(presentation in German).
- "Forest fires effects and methods of losses estimation".
2. M. Sc. Natalia Trofimova, Forest Research Institute in Krasnojarsk, Russia
- "Estimation of environmental pollution by smoke emissions from forest fires using of satellite data".
For more information, please contact with dr Barbara Ubysz from Independent Forest Fire Prevention Laboratory ( phone: 022 71 50 424, e-mail: b.ubysz@ibles.waw.pl).